CQL(Cassandra Query Language) Reference

I think now I'm eligible to publish a blog post regd CQL. I wish this blog to be a tutorial rather a Syntax provider for various CQL queries

Points to remember
1. CQL doesn't support Composite Types[likely to chage]
2. CQL doesn't support Super columns
3. Counter values are returned in native format [atleast in php/using cqlsh]

Why should I prefer CQL?

1. Readability
2. Ease of use
3. SQL like
4. Stable

PHP => My Posts using PHPCassa
Python => Refer Here and Download it here
Java => JDBC Driver and Example is here
Ruby => This might help

Creating a Keyspace:
cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE sample WITH strategy_class = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy' 
    ... AND strategy_options:replication_factor = 2;
: => Option Specifier

Use a Keyspace:
cqlsh> USE sample;
Don't forget to USE before use
'Sample' and 'sample' are different.

Create Column Family:
cqlsh> CREATE COLUMNFAMILY Test (date ascii PRIMARY KEY, name ascii, age int) WITH default_validation=ascii
    ... AND comparator=ascii
    ... AND replicate_on_write=true;

Insert Row:
cqlsh> INSERT INTO Test ('date', 'name', 'age') VALUES ('123', 'tamil', 12)
    ... AND TTL 20;

Update Counter Row:
cqlsh> UPDATE COUNTERTEST SET 'samplecounter' = 'samplecounter'+5 WHERE KEY='testkey';

Update Standard Row:
cqlsh> UPDATE Test SET 'name'='Tamil' WHERE 'date'='123'
We have named row key as 'date'
If you specify KEY instead 'date' your terminal might knock with
Bad Request: Expected key 'KEY' to be present in WHERE clause for 'Test'

cqlsh> SELECT * FROM Test WHERE 'date'='123';
date | age | dept | desc |  name | rollno |
 123 |  12 |  yyy |  zzz | tamil |    xxx |

cqlsh> SELECT 'a'..'f' FROM Test WHERE 'date'='123';
age | dept | desc |
 12 |  yyy |  zzz |

cqlsh> SELECT FIRST 2 'a'..'z' FROM Test WHERE 'date'='123';
age | dept |
 12 |  yyy |
cqlsh> SELECT REVERSED 'z'..'a' FROM Test WHERE 'date'='123';
rollno |  name | desc | dept | age |
   xxx | tamil |  zzz |  yyy |  12 |
cqlsh> SELECT FIRST 2 REVERSED 'z'..'a' FROM Test WHERE 'date'='123';
rollno |  name |
   xxx | tamil |

cqlsh> SELECT * FROM Test;
date | age |  name |
 123 |  12 |  yyy |  zzz | tamil |    xxx |
 345 |  12 | pamil |
 234 |  12 | camil |
cqlsh> SELECT * FROM Test LIMIT 2; 
date | age |  name |
 123 |  12 |  yyy |  zzz | tamil |    xxx |
 345 |  12 | pamil |

--After some random insertions
cqlsh> SELECT * FROM Test where 'date' in ('123', '124', '125');
date | age |  name |
 123 |  12 | tamil |
 124 |  12 | tamil |
 125 |  12 | tamil |


cqlsh> TRUNCATE Test;


cqlsh> DROP KEYSPACE sample;

Using Secondary Indexes we can query columns based on values rather by their names.
Creating Index
cqlsh> CREATE INDEX name_test_key ON Test (name);

Using the index
cqlsh> SELECT * FROM Test where name = 'tamil';
 date | age |  name |
  127 |  13 | tamil |
  123 |  12 | tamil |
  124 |  12 | tamil |

cqlsh> SELECT * FROM Test where name = 'tamil' and age > 12;
 date | age |  name |
  127 |  13 | tamil |

Note: I'm able to query based on age's value too as there is an index existing on name
So, I'm done :) Just refer this guy's blog for all constants, arguments and options


  1. I think its time to update post many thing have added now in V3

    1. Ya I know. I'm waiting for Datastax's Updated CQL reference guide :) The article is still under review..

    2. Even apache cassandra site has the reference to v2.0 only http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/cql/CQL.html


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